Thema: Literatur: The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin
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Die 22. Ausgabe (Winter 2022) des Middle East Philatelic Bulletin (MEPB) wurde gerade herausgegeben und kann wie immer kostenlos herunter geladen werden. Umfang diesmal 216 Seiten.

German Post in Turkey: Early Printed Matter Frankings with North-German Stamps 1870/71 (by Tilmann Nössig and Joachim Gerhold)
Telephones in Constantinople (but only for the Sultan) (by Tobias Zywietz)
British Railway Company Cancellations of the Ottoman Empire in Western Anatolia (by Atadan Tunacı)
Railway Mail Services in Ottoman Europe (I) – C.O., C.O.S.M., J.S.C. (by Atadan Tunacı and Folkert Bruining)
Undelivered Postal Items in Ottoman Jerusalem (Austrian Post) – An Introduction (by David K. Smith)
A 1914 Christmas Letter (by Yvonne Berger)
The Ottoman Field Post Office 44 (by Osman Levend Seral (edited by Tobias Zywietz))
Gems from the Adolf Passer Collection (II): The Kilis-Provisionals 1921 (by Hubert Gerzabek)
The Opening of the Haifa–Baghdad Overland Mail as reported by The Times in 1923 (compiled by Tobias Zywietz)
Palestine Mandate: Rare 1928 Registration Envelope without Imprinted Stamp (by Rolf Wernecke and Tobias Zywietz)
Recent Postal Developments in Palestine (by Thomas Schubert)
The Zotero Philatelic Resources Library (by Peter Moorer)

Book Reviews:
Stempels van Scheepsagenturen & de Regionale Scheepvaart in het Egeïsche en Ionische Zee (Hans Paul Soetens)
Collecting Hejaz Railway (Martin C. Lovegrove)
Post Offices of the Ottoman Empire (M. Bülent Papuççuoğlu)
The Revenue Stamps of the Palestinian Authority (Arthur Harris)

Reactions, Comments, Queries Section:
Mayo’s “Chisel”: The Overprint Variety AY with MiNr. 739 (Osmanlı Postaları 1337) (Willy Pijnenburg, Martin C. Lovegrove)
German “Marine Schiffspost” in Turkey, WWI: MSP 14, 29, and 69 – Ships: General, Loreley, Goeben (Sultan Yavuz Selim), and Breslau (Midilli) (Hakan Yılmaz and Tobias Zywietz)
A.D.P.O. – “Palestine” Revenue Stamps in French (Martin Lovegrove, Richard B. Rose)
Arab–Israeli Clandestine Mail: Cover and IRCs (Peter Moorer)
Photograph of Bahrain Air Field, 1934 (Tobias Zywietz)
Agenzia Del Lloyd Austriaco Alessandria: One of the Rarest Lloyd Cachets on an 1857 Passenger Ticket (Christopher C. Smith)
Research Request: Austrian Steam Navigation 1834-1845 (Study of the Austrian Post Offices Abroad) (Christopher C. Smith)
Palestine Mandate: Saving Stamp Card (Tobias Zywietz)

Archive Section:
A Short History of the Turkish Posts (contributed by the Turkish Postal Administration)

Recent Philatelic Journals (Tobias Zywietz)

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